Let us Break it Down

You’ve made it this far, which means you’ve already completed the first big milestone: being interested. By indulging in the details, we consider you to officially be on the path to living a better, more balanced life. Yay, you! We’re really glad you’re here.

Before you start scrolling, please remember: this path to living clean will be uncomfortable. It will take hard work, dedication, setbacks, resilience, you name it. The good news is, we know you can do it, even if you have a few setbacks along the way. In other words, we understand how hard it is to change. We’ve been there. Trust us.

So here’s what happens now. During your clean45 journey, you’ll complete 6 daily commitments, every day, for 45 days. No modifications. No days off. No excuses. Don’t hate us. 

We know what you’re thinking — “Who will know if I actually complete every commitment every day?” Nobody. That’s the point. We’re not going to hold your hand. This is a personal battle between you and your most valid excuse. Do you have what it takes to hold yourself accountable? Will you close the gap between what you want and what you’re willing to work for? 

We’re about to find out.The good news is, we know you can do it, even if you have a few setbacks along the way. In other words, we understand how hard it is to change. We’ve been there. Trust us.

The Rules are Simple:

The Commitments

We created each clean45 commitment based on health and wellness best practices to help you improve your mental and physical well-being. They’re small habits that lead to big changes. And they actually work.

Read them. Memorize them. Take them on a nice date. Buy them flowers. They will be your best friends over the next 45 days. Now go get ‘em. 

Browse through the icons

Make Your Bed

Finding an excuse to not make your bed is easy. After all, who’s going to see it? That said, do you know what else is easy? Making your damn bed. We’re not asking you to pull together a pinterest-worthy display. Just a fluff here, a tuck there, and you’re done. 

We tried to find the words to best explain why making your bed is important, and kept coming back to the 2014 commencement speech at the University of Texas at Austin. Admiral McRaven has a fancy name and sounds important, so we trust what he has to say. 

“If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another,” he said. “By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”

So. Make your bed. Every day. You’ll be better for it. 

FME (frequently made excuses)

  • I’m traveling during the 45-days and sleeping in a hotel (or other housing accommodations).

    • You still have to make the bed before housekeeping gets to it. So dumb, we know, but that’s accountability, baby

  • I had an adult sleepover and didn’t wake up in my own bed.

    • Lend a hand. If you get up first, at least fluff the pillow before you tiptoe out, you dirty dawg

  • I woke up before my partner and they’re still in bed.

    • Make your side of the bed. Lure them out of it with coffee. All else fails, tell them to leave it unmade and make it when you return home

  • My partner and I are both doing the program and we share a bed. Who makes the bed?


Spend 45-min Outdoors 

We’re asking you to go outside, not climb Mount Everest blindfolded. We get it: there are a million reasons why you’d want to stay inside. Air conditioning. Doom-scrolling. Avoiding human interaction altogether. Sure, it also may be raining sideways, but you made a commitment. Also, ponchos exist for a reason. 

Getting outside for just 45 minutes a day can have positive effects on your body and mind. Don’t want to take our word for it? The American Psychological Association (APA), The Center for Disease Control (CDC), Harvard, and many more people smarter than us agree. So there. 

Log out of Netflix and get into nature. 45 minutes, any activity you want, you’ve got this.  

FME (frequently made excuses)

  • I don’t have access to a nearby park or green space.

    • We totally understand that outdoor access varies from place to place. That’s why we’re keeping it broad! Hang out on your front step. Sit on your balcony and read a book. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you are, as long as you’re feeling that sweet, sweet breeze through your hair

  • I have a particularly busy day of meetings and other commitments.

    • It’s 2022! Can you change one of your video calls to a phone call? We love a good walk and talk. Can you wake up a bit earlier? Get something rescheduled? Take your lunch break outside? 

  • It’s winter and it’s freezing.

    • Been there — we’re based in Chicago, after all. Thankfully for our mental health, the outdoors still exists in the winter. Plus, research says cold weather is actually GOOD for you. So bundle up. Grab a warm hat. Make some hot cocoa, and tough out the elements. You’ll thank yourself

  • I’d still rather be doom-scrolling.

    • Trees > Twitter. We’re doing you a favor

One 45-min Workout

Wait. Every day?! Yes. We know this might sound daunting right now, but habits don’t happen overnight. Take it a day at a time and don’t count yourself out before you give yourself a chance. You may be surprised.   

Also, let’s be clear: by “workout” we don’t mean throwing around 300lb weights while letting out primal screams. We mean…whatever your definition of working out is. Walk. Run. Lift. Bike. Swim. Chase something around your yard (just don’t chase that Hinge date who ghosted you). We don’t care what you do as long as you’re motivated to get moving. 

FME (frequently made excuses)

  • I don’t have access to a gym or any equipment.

    • No gym, no problem! There are tons of no-hassle, no-equipment workout routines out there. All you need is your body and a little bit of time. Need some recommendations? We have an annoyingly long list — feel free to reach out

  • I have to work late at the office and I forgot my workout clothes.

    • Do you have a work friend who can lend some clothes (if you promise you’ll wash them)? Can you concentrate on one part of your body vs a full body workout? Is there a space within your office where you can get active? Remember, your workout doesn’t always have to be perfect. Anything is better than nothing

  • I’m feeling sick.

    • Are you feeling sick-sick, or “I’m going to stay home and watch Harry Potter sick?” Moving around for 45 minutes may actually help you feel better. You don’t have to go crazy. At the end of the day, you’re the only one who knows what you’re capable of, but rules are rules

  • I only want to do a 30-minute workout.

    • That’s great…if you want to return to the last day of the previous sprint. Push yourself for those extra few minutes. 45 minutes is the name of the game

10-min Meditation or Journal

Health starts in your head. We’re not saying you have to become a devoted yogi or discover the true meaning of life (though if you do, hit us up). This is about carving out space and decluttering the mind. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. 

Some ideas: Sit in a quiet environment and try to clear your mind. Concentrate on your breathing. Write down what you’re grateful for. Journal about what makes you feel most fulfilled. Reflect on what you can control. Create a 5-paragraph essay about why You’ve Got Mail is the greatest romcom of all time. Wait, no, not that last one.  

Anyway, ramp up the reflection. 10-minutes a day keeps the bad thoughts at bay. 

FME (frequently made excuses)

  • I keep getting distracted while meditating.

    • Don’t worry about it! Reflecting takes practice. Over time, you’ll learn what works for you. The most important thing is that you make space and keep with it

  • I can’t think of anything meaningful to journal about.

    • There are tons of great journal prompts online. When all else fails, free-write. Whatever comes to mind. Again, no wrong answers

  • I can’t find a quiet space to reflect.

    • Wellness has no walls. If you can’t find an indoor space, see if you can find somewhere outside. A park, a bench, some grass, pick your poison. You can even cash in on “2-for-1 commitments” if you mediate for 10 of your 45 outdoor minutes. Oh, and never underestimate the power of noise-canceling headphones

Eat Clean & No Alcohol

Yup, we’re serious, but it’s all for a good reason. Have we lost you? No? Good. Keep reading.

Let’s start with eating clean. What do we mean? Repeat after me: processed food is problem food. Eating clean means embracing a more natural diet with fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meats/protein, grains, and fresh dairy products. Basically, food that makes you feel better. We’re not asking you to dive into a strict diet, just to be more mindful about what you put in your mouth. We know this is a lot to take in, and you might be new to this, so we’ve created this clean eating guide. Learn it, live it, thank us later.

Now, the alcohol part. As they say: if you love something, let it go. Who is “they?” We don’t know. But they’re onto something. You may be shocked at how the new you feels. Take it from a team who loves a good spicy marg. And remember, we’re not telling you to give up gimlets for your entire life. Just 45 days. Only 15 days three times. Less than two months. YOU’VE GOT THIS.

FME (frequently made excuses)

  • I’m not at home and only have access to processed/packaged food.

    • Is there a nearby grocery store or market? Can you plan ahead to bring your own food? Willing to get something delivered? Fear not, there are options

  • I have good intentions, but I’m not 100% sure if what I’m eating qualifies as “clean”.

  • It’s my best friend’s wedding and I’m in the wedding party.

    • We’re all human! We’re not going to sit here and pretend like we haven’t been tempted with tequila. At the end of the day, you need to make a decision for yourself. If you decide to drink, you know the rules and what happens next

  • I’m superstitious and every time I drink beer my NFL team wins.

    • See above ^^

  • What if it’s just one drink, one night? Pretty please?

    • We’re not the ones you need to convince! Rules are rules. 45 days means 45 days. The beauty (and the difficulty) of clean45 is that we’re not going to babysit you. If you want to change, you have to make changes. If you drink, you go back to the last day of the previous sprint and continue from there

Drink half your body weight in ounces of water

Don’t fall into dehydration hell. Studies show that not drinking enough water is the number one cause of everything bad in life. Which studies, you ask? We plead the fifth.


On a serious note, drinking water is one small thing that everyone can do each day to feel that much better. The benefits are as clear as, well, water. Benefits like helping oxygen move easier through your body, boosting skin health, regulating internal temperature, maintaining a healthy blood pressure, the list goes on.


More water = less worries.


To calculate drinking half your body weight in ounces, follow these simple steps:

1.⁠ ⁠Determine your body weight in pounds (Ibs)
2.⁠ ⁠Divide your body weight by 2
3.⁠ ⁠The result is the number of ounces you should drink daily


For example, if you weigh 150 pounds:


150 lbs ÷ 2 = 75 ounces


In this case, you should drink 75 ounces of water per day to reach half your body weight in ounces and successfully complete this daily commitment.

FME (frequently made excuses)

  • I have a busy day and lost track of time. I can’t just chug a bunch of water to catch up.

    • Shit happens! And yes, you can. Next time, we recommend setting a timer to keep yourself accountable. For example: in an 8-hour workday, try to drink ~11 ounces an hour

  • I don’t have regular access during the day to a sink, fridge, or drinking fountain.

    • There are a whole bunch of fantastic products nowadays that will get you hyped about staying hydrated. Water bottles, CamelBaks, and more. If you can imagine it, you can find it

  • I have to pee…a lot.

    • Map out those restrooms. Keep your friends close and your toilets closer

  • What if the clock strikes midnight and I only drank 85 ounces of water? 

    • 90 or nothing! Back to the last day of the previous sprint

Questions? Comments? Excuses you need to be talked out of?

Drop us a line.

Questions? Comments? Excuses you need to be talked out of?

Drop us a line.

Pardon our dust, we’ll have the Clean Eating Guide posted soon!

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